
Below are the Heard in-laws' families, and cousins of various degrees . The site is concerned with a group of inter-related families and on this page we have those with connections to Heards who are not direct descendants of Dominick Heard of Hartland. The photos are arranged by family group. The Lynes and Clamps, for example, are all connected to Sarah Heard, née Lynes. The Fey group families are related to great grandmother Ellen Fey to a greater or lesser degree, and to each other etc. The Fey families are interesting because they connected socially with each other, even when they had migrated. The grouping is to a degree arbitrary. Labbetts are connected to Heards by a current marriage, but are also closely connected to the Feys. Canns, Hattins and Drews were all related to more than one of the families represented on the site.

Click on the thumbnails to see a larger version of the picture.


Lynes, Clamps

Lee Marston Boys School   samuel lynes    Jane painter   Lynes wedding    Harry and Maria Lynes    samuel lynes
William Lynes, Harry Lynes and Arthur Plummer at Lee Marston Boys' School Samuel Lynes 1867-1936 (Sarah) Jane Lynes née Painter, 1876 - 1955 A Lynes wedding at Over Whitacre  Harry Lynes 1901 - 1965 and  Ann Maria Lynes née Painter 1901-1990 Samuel Lynes seated with Thomas Elmore


ellen elmore   ellenelmore   ellen elmore   samuel lynes   ellen elmore   samuel lynes MI
Ellen Elmore 1894-1982   Ellen Lynes née Elmore with children   Ellen Lynes née Elmore   Samuel Lynes 1893-1952   Ellen Lynes with children   Grave of Samuel Lynes
william lynes in front   william lynes 1897   William and Hannah Lynes with Edith Wilcock and husband   william lynes home   william and hannah lynes grave   Nellie Lynes
 William Lynes 1897-1953. Nearest the camera   William Lynes 1897-1953   Wilcock sisters with William Lynes and Frank Layland   The home of William Lynes at Lea Lane Farm, Over Whitacre   Grave of William and Hannah Lynes née Wilcock   Nellie Lynes 1899-1986
harry lynes   Frank and Win Lynes   Frank and Win Lynes   Frank Lynes   william thomas Lynes  
  Harry Lynes 1900 - 1965   Frank Lynes and Win Spencer on their wedding day   Frank and Win Lynes    Frank Lynes 1909-1983     William Thomas Lynes 1917-1991   Joseph Henry Lynes 1924-2009
Margaret Lynes   Charlotte Lynes   Charlotte lynes   Nancy Lynes   Brenda Lynes   Sgt Thomas Frank Lynes
  Margaret Lynes 1928-2005 and husband Richard Worton 1923-2002   Charlotte Ellen Lynes 1921-1979   Charlotte Lynes 1921-1979     Annie Elizabeth "Nancy" Lynes 1929-2005   Brenda Lilian Lynes 1939-2001    Sgt Thomas Frank Lynes 1923-1946
Thomas Frank Lynes   Sybil Packwood   Grave of Thomas Lynes   William Lynes marriage   Rose Duffy   William Derek Lynes
Thomas Frank Lynes 1923-1946    Sybil Lynes née Packwood   Grave of Thomas Frank Lynes    William Derek Lynes' marriage
 to Rose Duffy in  1953
  Rose Lynes, née Duffy 
  William Derek Lynes,
James Clamp 1827   James Clamp and Eliza King   James Clamp 1855   william clamp        
  James Clamp 1827 - 1909 James Clamp and Eliza Clamp née King  James Clamp 1855 - 1905 William Clamp 1889-1963    

Feys, Hectors, Cornishes, Blaens, Helmores, Drews

susan nee drew    ann drew   Ann drews goblet    alfred and tryphena fey shobrooke   john coombe and elizabeth coombe   john coombe
Grave of Frank Phillips 1854-1929 and Susan Phillips née Drew 1861-1931     Ann Drew 1835-1889   Ann Drew's goblet   Grave of Alfred Fey 1866-1932 and Tryphena Fey, née Tozer 1868-1951, Shobrooke   John Coombe 1854-1945 and Elizabeth Coombe née Wood 1854 - 1931   Grave of John Coombe 1854-1945..
 wood    coombe grave   The Coombe sisters     freeman and mary    mary coombe and thomas freeman grave   Donald wesley coombe
and wife Elizabeth Coombe née Wood 1854 - 1931     Coombe family plot   Coombe sisters    Thomas Freeman, Mary née Coombe and family.   Grave of Mary Coombe and Thomas Freeman at Ashby de la Zouche      Donald Wesley Coombe 1916-2007
Bernice coombe   grave of wesley and bernice coombe   woodgates fey   fey brothers   edwin fey   james fey
M. Bernice Coombe née McAllister 1919-2007   Grave of Wesley and Bernice Coombe     Grave of William Woodgates Fey 1808-1879, and Mary Fey,  Gill 1812-1891, in Crediton Churchyard   James Fey 1842-1918,
William Fey1844-1924
Edwin Fey1848-1923
  Edwin Fey 1848-1923   James Fey 1842-1918
Mrs james fey   James Fey sarah and family   edgar james fey   eva fey   Edwin Fey business card   William hector
Sarah Ann Elston 1841-1912    James and Sarah Fey and children    Grave of Edgar James Fey 1880-1952, in Chicago     Grave of Frances Fey, Eva Fey née Aul and Sarah Elizabeth Fey, in Chicago   Edwin Fey's business card   William Hector 1820-1882
hector william and jane grave   sarah hector   sarah hector   Sarah Hector   hector women   sarah fey and ellen
Grave of William Hector 1820-1882 and Jane née Cann 1819-1892    Sarah Hector 1849-1932   Sarah Fey née Hector 1849-1932     Sarah Fey née Hector 1849-1932    Hector and Fey women at Forches Cross, Crediton   Sarah Fey née Hector 1849-1932 and Mary Ellen Fey 1879-1953
sarah fey   sarah hector   sarah fey and george bigwood   minnie daw   minnie daw   sidney and minnie daw
Sarah Fey née Hector 1849-1932   Sarah Fey née Hector,1849-1932   George Bigwood 1852-1911 and Sarah Fey 1849-1932   Minie Alice Fey 1870-1954   Minnie Alice Fey     Sidney Daw 1870-1937 and Minnie Alice Daw née Fey 1870-1954
daws sidney and minnie   minnie alice hector daw   sidney daw and minnie   Mabel Daw    Gertrude Daw    Reginald Daw
The Daw family before their migration.   Minnie Alice Daw née Fey Minnie Alice Daw with second husband Albert Pierce   Mabel Dixon née Daw
 Gertrude Margaret Clarke née Daw
Reginald Daw 1894-1917
 frederick daw age19   Fred Daw and son MI     Alice Daw   Dorothy Daw   worthy daw and doris barralet
 Frederick Daw 1895-1959     The grave of Frederick Daw and his son Freddie.   Sidney Daw 1898-1985   Alice Daw
  Dorothy Daw 1903-1975   Worthy Daw and
Doris Barralet
Worthy and Doris Daw   Doris and worthy with the children   Doris and worthy with inlaws   edna daw   victordaw   Edwin Reg Fey
Worthy and Doris Daw and son Bernard   Doris and Worthy Daw with sons Ray and Bernard    Doris Daw née Barralet, with parents Edmund and Eliabeth Barralet, and husband Worthy kneeling   Edna Russell née Daw
  Victor Daw 1913 - 1990   Edwin Reginald Fey,
with Ethel Fey née Bigwood and Cyril Fey
 fred and reg    frederick fey    fred fey    Frederick Fey    Blanche webley    blanche fey
 Frederic Fey 1876-1938 and brother Edwin Reginald (Reg) Fey 1874-1943   Frederic Fey 1876-1938   Frederic Fey 1876-1938   Frederic Fey 1876-1938   Blanche Mona Webley 1873-1947   Blanche Fey, née Webley 1873-1947  
feys grave at canford    ellen fey    mary ellen pyman    nellie and fred pyman    fred pyman   bowkettpopewedding
 Grave of Feys at Canford, Westbury-on-Trym, Gloucestershire    Mary Ellen Fey 1879-1953, daughter of Sarah and Edwin Fey.   Mary Ellen Pyman née Fey 1879-1953    Fred Pyman 1880-1916 and Mary Ellen "Nellie" Pyman, née Fey, 1879-1953   Fred Pyman, Nellie Pyman and family.   Wedding of Carrie Bowkett (née Fey) and John Pope in 1909.
 hector's shop   John Cann Hector     hector advert    winifred and hugh fey    albert fey    albert fey
 Shop of William Hector,1852-1925, Watchmaker and Jeweller, 27 High Street, Crediton   John Cann Hector and family before migrating to the USA   Newspaper advert for John Cann Hector's business.   Hugh Fey and Rosina née Chattington with family group.   Albert Edward Fey 1884-1958 and Ellen Fey, née Elliston   Albert Edward Fey 1884-1958 and Ellen Fey, née Elliston with children Florence, Ethel and Albert
nellie male    herbert fey    lilian esther broberts nee fey    lilian esther fey    lilian esteher fey    lilian esther fey
Nellie Fey née Male 1883-1969   Herbert Winston Fey 1908 -?   Lilian Esther Fey née Roberts 1904-1987   Lilian Esther Fey née Roberts 1904-1987   Lilian Esther Fey née Roberts 1904-1987   Lilian Esther Fey née Roberts 1904-1987
 alan fey2    alan fey 1   alan fey     alan fey   alan and lilian fey grave     grave alan fey
 Alan Fey 1935-1987   Alan Fey 1935-1987   Alan Fey 1935-1987   Alan Fey 1935-1987   Lilian Fey 1904-1987 and her son Alan Fey 1935-1987, grave plaque.   Grave of Lilian Fey 1904-1987 and her son Alan Fey 1935-1987,
 school warmemorial    ekbradford    elizabeth Kendricks presentation    elizabeth bradford    jones and ek bradford grave    frances jones
 Feys on Barton Hill School War Memorial   Elizabeth Kendrick Bradford 1887-1952 (on left) and friend   Ladies gold pocket watch presented to Elizabeth Kendrick Bradford.   Thomas Jones 1889-1946 and Elizabeth Kendrick Jones née Bradford 1887 -1952   Grave of Thomas Jones 1889-1946 and Elizabeth Kendrick Jones née Bradford 1887- 1952   Frances Jones 1919-2006
walliamward and frances neejones    alfred harris    kimm    susannah kimm    Florence Harris and husband Alfred    florence harris
 William Ward 1915-1986 and Frances Ward née Jones 1919-2006   The Harris family in Montreal in 1912   Susannah Harris née Kimm 1862-1947   Susannah Harris 1862-1947   Florence Harris with husband Alfred Irons in 1927    Florence Viona Irons née Harris 1900-1979 
 florence harris    herbert slee    ronald slee    dicjk chipperfield with Myrtle    jimmy chipperfield    mary chipperfield
 Florence Viona Irons née Harris 1900-1979    Herbert George Slee 1893-1979   Ronald Slee 1924-2006   Dick Chipperfield and Myrtle née Slee   Jimmy Chipperfield 1912-1990   Mary Chipperfield 1937-2014
 partridge family    ellen partridfge   Emily Partridge     sidney tucker   Dorothy Labbett     
The Tucker family   Ellen Partridge née Drew and granddaughter Gladys Partridge   Emily and Maud Ellen Partridge   Sidney Tucker about 1912   Dorothy Labbett    Dorothy Labbett
     procter grave   Ada Shuman   Stanley Fey University of Illinois   Carrie and John Pope's children   ethel fey
"Lisa Perli's" Mise en Scene, 1937     Grave of Charles Frederick Procter1898-1936, and wife Ivy Louise, née Fey 1899-1966   Ada Georgina Shuman née Fey, with son Stanley Shuman, and granddaughter   Stanley Edgar Fey    Two of Caroline née Fey and John "Jack" Pope's children   Ethel Ruby Dent née Fey.1903-1977
mona fey   reg fey   Hector Fey   hectorrubyfred   hector fey   gladys and gil pyman
Mona Elizabeth Inglis née Fey 1908-1982   Reginald Eric Fey 1901 - 1975   Hector Fey 1905-1989   Hector Fey 1905 - 1989, Fred Fey 1902-1966, and Ethel Ruby Fey 1903-1977   Hector Fey 1905-1989   Gladys Pyman 1900 - 1969, Frederick Gilmore "Gil" Pyman 1904 - 1971, Cyril Fey 1904 - 1978, .
Gladys Pyman   1queenie pyman   folk house orchestra   aldermanwilliams    
Gladys Pyman 1900-1969   Queenie Rosina Pyman 1908-1992   Bristol Folkhouse Orchestra, 1929   Alderman William Williams, 1907-2003 Jane Mitchell, née Hector.1842-1925. Jane Mitchell, née Hector.
Jane Mitchell small   william coverly mitchell   Caroline Mitchell grave   em mitchel   emily mabel   emily mitchell
Grave of Jane Mitchell William Coverly Mitchell, 1834-1908 Grave of Caroline Richardson née Mitchell 1870-1923 Emily Mitchell 1882-1973. Emily Gerner née Mitchell 1882-1973. Emily Gerner née Mitchell 1882-1973.
  charles amberg   John Alby     mitchell girls   hector sisters
Minnie Mitchell 1868-1918    Charles Albert Amberg 1867-1951   John Alby 1872-1958   Grave of Minnie Alby née Mitchell 1868-1918, Oakwood Cemetery, Wisconsin,USA   Mitchell women   Two daughters of William Hector and Betty née Parks, with friends at La Vita, Colorado
cornishes   jane chapple   janie, pauline and julia maude chapple     John Blaen's family   blaen
Maude and Henry Cornish, Janie Chapple and Hugh Morton Blaen   Janie Chapple 1877-1917   Sisters Janie, Pauline and Julia Maude Chapple   Janie and Julia Maude Chapple      John Blaen's family    James Blaen's family
jim mary blaen   blaens of Creetown   George Hugh Blaen   Hugh Blaen in school rugby team   Hugh Blaen in school athletics team 1927   dora blaen
Jim and Mary Blaen, cousin of Hugh Morton Blaen   Creetown picnic      . (George) Hugh Blaen 1909-1972   Hugh Blaen in Queen Elizabeth School  Rugby1st XV, middle row 2nd from left   Hugh Blaen, captain of QES Athletics Team in 1927, middle row centre.   Dora Elsie Blaen
fred helmore   helmore poster   fred helmore   1illiam helmore   bert helmore    
Frederick John Helmore 1861-1935   Helmore poster   Frederick John Helmore at work   William Helmore, 1794-1883   Bert Helmore, 1895-1965    


thomas comins pollard   thomas pollard grave   edward pollard   edward and martha pollard   epollardand children    
Thomas Comins Pollard 1819-1876   Grave of Thomas Comins Pollard, John Adams Pollard and Ellen Eliza Pollard   Edward Pollard 1855-1908   Edward and Martha Pollard   Edward Pollard and his children    


harry and mary tonkin   william tonkin androsina   rose tonkin   william henry tonkin   william tonkin   william tonkin
Harry Tonkin 1859-1916 and Mary Tonkin née Spear 1860-1918   William Tonkin 1890-1958 and Rosina Tonkin née Fishleigh 1889-1971   Rosina Tonkin née Fishleigh 1889-1971   William Tonkin 1890-1958 and friend.
  William Tonkin 1890-1958.
  William Tonkin 1890-1958.
fanny edith and ellen tonkin                    
Fanny Tonkin 1887-1982,Ellen Tonkin 1889-1964, Edith Tonkin 1893-1982                    

Saffins and Turners

jane safion nee clark     william saffin 1854-   Mary Ann Saffin nee jordan   poleford   grave of william and mary ann saffin
Jane Saffin née Clark 1832-1906   Jane Saffin née Clark 1832-1906   William Saffin 1854 - 1941   Mary Ann Saffin née Jordan 1858-1904   Poleford - Saffin family home at Cheriton Bishop   Grave of William Saffin1853-1941, Mary Ann Saffin 1858-1904
and daughter Maud Saffin 1883-1917
george safin   annett and saffin marriage 1911   henry annett   sarah jackson-millard   george and Catherinie saffin in Condah cemetery   
George Saffin 1885-1926   George and Kate Saffin née Annett on their marriage day.10 May 1911   Henry Annett 1845-1927   Sarah Annett née Jackson-Millard 1850-1927   Grave of George and Catherine Saffin, Condah cemetery   William Henry Saffin 1912 - 1990
esther mirtschin   mirtschin and saffin   stan and edith price nee saffin   saffin/habner grave   turner and perryman   john william perryman turner
Esther Mirtschin   Esther Mirtschin and William Saffin marriage 1939   Stan Price 1915-1973 and Edith née Saffin1913-1944   Grave of Heather Habner née Saffin and children   James Turner and Ann Perryman grave in Colebrooke churchyard   John William Perryman Turner 1865-1935
perryman turner                    
William Perryman Turner 1896-1976                    


sam and elizabeth fursdon MI at Sandford   gordon and violet    donald fraser   thomas Fraser        
Samuel and Elizabeth Fursdon's gravestone at Sandford   Gordon and wife at Hawkmoor Hospital Bovey Tracey   Donald Fraser   Thomas Fraser in 1900        

Sharlands, Wensleys, Wallers and Carpenters

 george sharlaND    sharlands   grace and francis sharland   sarah sharland grave   Thomas George Sharland   james and elza sharland's grave
 George Sharland 1830-1909 - brother-in-law of William Heard    George Sharland's children   Grave of Francis Sharland 1837-1923 and Grace Sharland née Wensley 1832-1891.   Grave of Sarah Sharland, née Mogridge, second wife of Francis Sharland . 1845-1928.   Seated: James Sharland, 1839-1907, with his son Thomas George Sharland, b.1880   Grave of James Sharland 1839-1907 and Eliza Sharland née Crook 1843-1925.
Lydia Sharland   Alice Chewter nee Hole   wilfred parker     wilfred and florence parker   Eric Parker and Den Ford
Possibly Lydia Hole née Sharland, 1842-1902  Alice Chewter née Hole,1875-1952 Wilfred Parker and friends Wilfred Parker,chauffeur Wilfred Parker and Florence Passmore Eric Parker and Den Ford
Eric Parkerand Ivy Webber   Ivy May Webber   Ivy May webber   Walter and Louisa Passmore   Ida Passmore    Maud passmore with father-inlaw 
Wedding of Eric Parker to Ivy May Webber   Ivy May Webber    Ivy May Webber   Wedding of  Walter George Passmore to Louisa Wreford   Ida Passmore, 1896-1972    Eva Maud Motley nee Passmore with family
The Green, Crediton    Joe Sharland   joseph sharland in Teignmouth   Julia Nancarrow   Grave of Joe Sharland and family   William Boaden and elizabeth Sharland
The Green, Crediton, where Passmores lived.     Joe Sharland, 1867-1940    Joe Sharland in Teignmouth   Julia Sharland née Nancarrow 1870-1956, with grandchildren   Grave of Joseph Sharland, wife Julia Sharland née Nancarrow and son Olaf Sharland   Elizabeth Boaden née Sharland, 1855 - 1919 and William Edwin Boaden 1857-1922
 George Sharland    Arthur Sharland    lydia snell and henry davey    lydia sharland snell   lydia    knightshayes
 George Sharland  1860-1955 and Leonie Sharland née Loucke 1866-1957   Arthur Sharland, 1868-1953 and Sarah Jennie Sharland née Carter 1874-1943    Henry Davey, Lydia Sharland Davey née Snell, and family.     Lydia Sharland Davey née Snell. 1869-1955 Niece of Francis Sharland     Lydia Davey with Grandaughter Nola and baby great grandaughter    Knightshayes Court, Tiverton
Mary Jane Sharland   walter sharland grave   helena sharland and henry howells   James Sharland   Thomas George Sharland   Thomas Sharland
Mary Jane Sharland, 1867-1923   Grave of Walter Sharland 1869-1951 and Jane Sharland née Hunt 1866-1912   Helena Elizabeth Howells née Sharland, 1871 - 1955 and Henry Howells, 1872-1905   Private James Sharland, 1878-1915   Thomas George Sharland, 1880-?   Thomas George
Sharland, 1880-?
Ethel Mary Sharland    Dorothy Mary Sharland   Dorothymarymartin    Gladys May Mitchell   wedding of agnes louise sharland   edward jj sharland and wife
Ethel Mary Sharland née Moore,1882-1970, widow of Thomas George Sharland    Dorothy Mary Martin née Sharland, 1895-1980   Dorothy Mary Martin née Sharland, 1895-1980    Gladys May Mitchell  Sharland, 1896-1949   Marriage of Agnes Sharland to Charles Frederick Bartlett, 1922, in Teignmouth   Edward Joseph James Sharland and Hilda Sharland née Newberry
Olaf sharland   Ivy Sharland       grace sharland nee hards   Grave of walter and lily sharland    Tom Sharland
Olaf Walter George Sharland, 1906-1932   Ivy Myrtle Sharland 1908-1969   James Paull, Ivy Myrtle Paull née Sharland and son Jim   Grace Matilda Sharland, née Hards 1888-1962    Grave of Walter and Lily Sharland at Washford Pyne    Tom Sharland 1886-1956 and Edith Sharland
née Straddon 1899-1969 
Walter Lym Sharland   muriel davey   muriel davey memorial   Annie Mabel Howells   cecil sharland     Herbert Henry Sharland
Walter Lym Sharland, 1885-1981 and Blanche Sharland née Down 1884-1977   Muriel Davey, daughter of Lydia and Henry Davey, 1895-1985   Memorial plaque to Muriel Freeman née Davey   Annie Mabel Howells,
  Cecil Sharland,
1917-1941, with Florence Sharland née Toms 1922 - 2014
   Herbert Henry Sharland
 Arthur henry sharland    reunion    grave of james and mary wensley    lydia wensley mi    Ann Waller   Ann Waller 
 Arthur Henry Sharland,
   First Sharland Reunion 1916, Dexter, Michigan, USA    Grave of James Wensley 1801 - 1881 and Mary Wensley, née Waller 1802-1851    Grave of Antony Reed Wensley, 1807-1900 and Lydia Wensley, née Waller 1809-1899    Ann Carpenter née
Waller 1811-1882
  Ann Carpenter née
Waller 1811-1882 
 William Carpenter    William Carpenter    William Carpenter memorial, Withleigh Church   John Waller Carpenter    John Bragg and sarah waller     John Thomas Bragg & sarah waller
 William Carpenter,
   William Carpenter,
   William Carpenter memorial, Withleigh church     John Waller Carpenter,
   Sarah Emma Bragg née Waller, 1845-1922 and John Thomas Bragg, 1849-1940   Sarah Emma Bragg née Waller, 1845-1922 and John Thomas Bragg, 1849-1940  
 Laurence and robert luxton grave    luxton brothers    frances memorial seat    frances luxton 1908-1975    Myrtle May Sharland, nee Robinson   sharland grave 
 Laurence and Robert John Luxton's grave Winkleigh    Luxton memorial stone in Winkleigh churchyard    Frances Luxton memorial seat at Brushford    Frances Luxton 1908-1975   Myrtle May Sharland, née Robinson, 1884-1974      Grave of Leopold and Myrtle Sharland née Robinson 


abe cann   abe cann   john william blackborough   blacborough   joseph jeffrey and eileen blackborough    
Wrestler Abe Cann's portrait (1794-1864)   Abe Cann portrait in the Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter   John Blackborough 1907-1939   Eileen Blackborough 1910-1958   Joseph Jeffrey and Eileen Blackborough    


gertie and granny   James farthing   tom farthing and sis   thomas and sarah farthing   tom farthing   tom farthing horse
l - r: Sarah Hoyle née Edwards b.1867, Rose Farthing 1920-1988, Gertrude Hoyle b.1891 Taken in Rochdale, about 1926   Thomas Farthing 1889 -1959 Thomas was a gunner with the Royal Garrison Artilley.   Thomas Farthing 1889-1959 and Sarah (Sis) Farthing née Hoyle 1892-1971   Thomas and Sarah Farthing   Thomas Farthing in Rochdale in 1926.   Thomas Farthing 1889-1959
freda farthing   harry farthing   rose farthing   joyce farthing   william edwards   bill and workmates
Freda Farthing 1916-2002   Harry Farthing 1893-1921 and Clara Farthing, née Hardy, b.1898   Rose Farthing b.1903 and Vincent Heap   Joyce Farthing b.1922   William Edwards, b.1881   Bill Park or Farthing 1883-1970, with workmates, at Corrigin, Western Australia, 1912.
bill and friend   bill and bride   bill wedding   jack labbett   jack  labbett    
Bill Park 1883-1970, with unknown companion at Luna Park, Melbourne, 1914   Bill Park 1883-1970 and Gwendoline Dunn 1898-1992   1918. The marriage of William Park,1883-1970, to Gwendoline Dunn, 1898-1992,   PC Jack Labbett. 1978-1996. The uncle of Gertie Heard's daughter-in-law.   Jack Labbett. 1978-1996.    


 Ralling thomas rosettasophiarosa    thomas ralling    ralling brothers   thomas ralling     t ralling funeral    ralling mi
Thomas Ralling 1822-1869, Rosetta Ralling
née Bland 1825 - 1875 with 2 of their children
   Thomas John Ralling 1846 - 1924, in his Masonic regalia.    Thomas John Ralling with five of his brothers, who were all Freemasons    Thomas John Ralling 1846-1924    Funeral of Thomas John Ralling in 1924    Thomas John Ralling's grave in Colchester Cemetery and Crematorium, Essex
 octavius ralling    annelizasageandwiliamlewisralling    thomas johnsageralling    william lewis ralling   catherine turnermrswlralling     
 Octavius Ralling 1858-1929    Ann Eliza Ralling née Sage and William Lewis Ralling     ralling thomas John sage Annie Rosetta Mary Rosa William    William Lewis Ralling 1883-1954    Catherine Ralling née Turner 1886-1979    

Some other Heard family members

charlotte haydon   ann madge   bubear   maria rice   rice and heal mi   henry willey
Charlotte Haydon, Edith Haydon née Heard's aunt   Ann Madge née White 1811-1888, and daughter Ellen, 1836-1895   George Bubear, champion rower   Maria Rice née Heal 1828-1883   Grave of John Heal, 1818-1888 and Lovedy Heal, née Rice, 1810-1883.   Henry Willey aged 70
ernest john newcombe   william and ann smallridge   joseph smallridge   john smallridge grave   jonathon page gown   john chanter mary wreford
Ernest John Newcombe   Grave of William Smallridge, 1790-1871 and Ann née Ball 1791-1869   Grave of Joaseph Smallridge1757-1811 and wife Mary née Millman 1765-1826,   Grave of John Smallridge 1849-1898 and Sarah Jane Smallridge née Partridge 1854-1912   Jonathon Page Gown,1852-1927.   John Chanter 1822-1892 and his wife Mary née Wreford, 1822-1907
tancock   isabella drew grave sandford   william hattin grave   grave of charles hattin   henryfrostgrave boconnoc    
Matilda Tancock 1874-1944.   Grave of Isabella Drew, née Cheriton 1855-1915, and sons Frederick Drew 1889-1916 and William Drew 1895-1908.   Grave of William Hattin 1810-1887 and Jane Hattin née Norrish 1808-1889, at Cheriton Fitzpaine   ...and their son Charles Hattin 1853-1880  

Grave of Henry Frost 1832-1892 in Boconnoc churchyard, Cornwall