A gathering of Wrights in Sandford in about 1922. Back row l to r: Nick Pitts, 1884-1948, Alf Melhuish, family friend from Halberton, John Berry Wright, 1887-1959, Polly Darbyshire née Boydell,1875-1966, Andy Darbyshire 1880-1967, uncle and aunt of Lillian Wright née Boydell, Lillian Wright 1889-1974, holding Betty Wright 1920-2005. Middle row l to r: Kate Pitts née Wright 1878-1954, Mary Martha Wright née Berry 1851-1939, Ida Mary Wright 1896-1967, Lewis Wright, 1850-1928. Front l. to r: Sadie Pitts 1916-1993, Violet Wright 1912-2009, and Kathleen Wright 1912-1987. |